Will Previous Injuries Disallow Accident Compensation?

Sometimes, a small stone thrown into the water can cause a huge rippling wake. The legal principle known as the Eggshell Rule, sometimes referred to as the Eggshell Skull Rule, a common doctrine in personal injury law, resulted from a small tap and a curious outcome.  The Eggshell Rule got its start back in 1890 with Vosburg v, Putney, in…

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Do You Have to Pay Medical Bills While Waiting for an Insurance Settlement?

When someone is involved in a car accident in Iowa, pain and suffering from injuries are inevitably in their rearview. Will they at least receive compensation from the at-fault driver to cover their costly medical bills? Unfortunately, the payment and insurance claim process could take months, even years, which leaves victims of car accidents at a loss – especially if they…

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Social Media Companies On Trial For Failing To Prevent Risks

Recently, the Georgia Supreme Court revived a lawsuit accusing Snap Inc. of designing an app filter that encourages reckless driving. Snap Inc. is the company behind the social media platform Snapchat. The lawsuit was originally filed in 2016 by Wentworth Maynard, the victim of a horrible 2015 car crash. Maynard and his wife were traveling in their Mitsubishi Outlander when…

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Can I Get Compensation if Partially Responsible for an Accident?

There are so many variables at play during a car wreck. Sometimes, when two cars collide, it can be obvious who is at fault, but other times, the fault is not so easily determined. How To Understand Who is At Fault When There is a Car accident? What if a collision happens when one of the drivers is speeding, and…

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Social Media And Car Crashes Are Never A Good Match

A few months ago, 17-year-old Olivia Passaretti was celebrating New Year’s Eve at her sister’s house. She was a junior in High School. COVID restrictions were easing, her senior year was poised to be a great, a launchpad to her future. She left her sister’s house just after midnight and headed home. Somewhere in Warwick, Rhode Island, 30-year-old Aramis Segura…

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How do I Find the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in 2022?

A motorcycle accident can be stressful and costly, especially if you have suffered serious injuries. Dealing with insurance adjusters and a possible lawsuit can add to the stress, which is why it is imperative that crash victims find the best motorcycle accident lawyer for their needs. The question is, how do individuals know who the best motorcycle accident attorney is?…

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Settling a Car Accident Claim in Iowa: Timeline and Process Explained by a Des Moines Car Accident Lawyer

There is no such thing as an average time to settle an automobile accident claim because numerous factors influence how long it takes to calculate and settle a claim. Obviously, each automobile accident is unique, and the length of time it takes to settle an auto accident lawsuit varies depending on the specifics and facts of the case. An automobile…

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Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

An 18-wheeler truck is roughly 20 times the weight of an ordinary vehicle on the road. In a collision involving a car and a truck, the chances of being seriously injured are substantially higher than in a collision involving two automobiles. If a crash victim decides to bring a lawsuit against the trucking firm that hired the driver who hit…

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Chain Reaction Car Accidents – Whose Responsibility to Pay?

Drivers in many chain reaction car accidents do not have much time to decide whether or not to hit automobiles ahead of them. Most terrified drivers slam on the brakes too late, drift into other lanes, and skid. Sometimes, in order to escape an accident, automobiles swerve into oncoming traffic, only to produce a horrific chain reaction and a greater…

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