
Will Previous Injuries Disallow Accident Compensation?

Sometimes, a small stone thrown into the water can cause a huge rippling wake. The legal principle known as the Eggshell Rule, sometimes referred to as the Eggshell Skull Rule, a common doctrine in personal injury law, resulted from a small tap and a curious outcome.  The Eggshell Rule got its start back in 1890 with Vosburg v, Putney, in…

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Do You Have to Pay Medical Bills While Waiting for an Insurance Settlement?

When someone is involved in a car accident in Iowa, pain and suffering from injuries are inevitably in their rearview. Will they at least receive compensation from the at-fault driver to cover their costly medical bills? Unfortunately, the payment and insurance claim process could take months, even years, which leaves victims of car accidents at a loss – especially if they…

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Can I Get Compensation if Partially Responsible for an Accident?

There are so many variables at play during a car wreck. Sometimes, when two cars collide, it can be obvious who is at fault, but other times, the fault is not so easily determined. How To Understand Who is At Fault When There is a Car accident? What if a collision happens when one of the drivers is speeding, and…

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Settling a Car Accident Claim in Iowa: Timeline and Process Explained by a Des Moines Car Accident Lawyer

There is no such thing as an average time to settle an automobile accident claim because numerous factors influence how long it takes to calculate and settle a claim. Obviously, each automobile accident is unique, and the length of time it takes to settle an auto accident lawsuit varies depending on the specifics and facts of the case. An automobile…

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Who Pays if You’re a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident?

Most people are regular passengers in vehicles. Either that or they have passengers in their car. However, it is crucial to understand what happens if an accident occurs and a passenger sustains an injury. Most of the discussion around car accident compensation revolves around the drivers, but passengers are usually blameless about a crash. They are able to recover compensation,…

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